Start Saving Now for The Holidays
Now that the magic of the holiday season is over, it’s a good time to start thinking about next year. With all the joy of the season, it can be expensive. But, if you start saving now, you’ll be prepared to celebrate the season with your holiday funds already saved for you.
Set up a Holiday Club Account
To help budget for the holiday season, cPort offers a separate savings account. With your cPort Holiday Club Account, you can start saving for the holidays early and earn interest on the balance. When you make small deposits weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, your savings will grow quickly. Each year, the balance in your Holiday Club Account will automatically be available on November 1st. Your money will stay safe and will earn interest until you are ready to start shopping.
Seek Out a Second Income
Side jobs are a great way to earn extra money to save for the holidays. You can pick up a few shifts from a local restaurant or even clean for your friends or neighbors. There are many businesses in your area looking for part-time help. Make sure to save your side income in your Holiday Club Account to reach your budgeting goal.
Trim Out Unnecessary Spending
One of the easiest ways to save money is to cut back on unnecessary spending. Whether that means skipping your daily cold brew from Starbucks or packing your lunch for work, those small savings can add up! You can put those savings towards your holiday savings budget and get one step closer to meeting your goals.
There’s no better time than the present to start saving for the holiday season. Opening your Holiday Club Account is so easy that you will have plenty of time to start saving money for those anticipated expenses around the holiday season.