Do it All From Home

If we can say one thing with confidence, it’s that 2020 has given new meaning to the term “homebody.” What once used to be the space where we would hang our hat at the end of our day has become so much more. No one knew just how much time we would be spending at home this year.
Our home is now our office, our elementary school, our fitness studio, and our restaurant. It’s likely that over the coming months we will continue to use our multifunctional living space, as more businesses embrace working remotely, and schools adjust to virtual learning.
A small investment to upgrade your space can transform it to meet your ever-expanding needs. You’ll find yourself being more productive and enjoying the space around you. With a fixed rate and flexible terms, a cPort personal loan can often be a good alternative to using a credit card. Right now, a 12-month personal loan is available for as low as 4.99% APR. So, go ahead, get that standing desk, upgrade your kitchen table, or finish that extra room you’ve always thought would look good with a treadmill.
Learn more about our personal loans here.