cPort Credit Union Career Aspirations Program logo - Applica Et Prospera - Apply Yourself and Succeed

Scholarships for Elementary School Students

cPort Credit Union in Maine is proud to partner with elementary schools in our Portland, Scarborough, and Augusta communities to provide this innovative career aspirations program and award scholarships for elementary school students throughout the area. We believe that it's never too early for students to start preparing for life after high school.

2024 Elementary Scholarship Program Recap

We kicked off our 17th year of the cPort Career Aspirations Program this year! Every year our staff look forward to reading the Career Aspiration Essays from students in the communities we serve. We held our aspiration workshops in seven elementary schools throughout the Portland, Augusta, and Gardiner communities.

cPort staff helped to read over 300 essays and selected over 50 scholarship recipients! Since our start in 2008, cPort has given over 1,300 scholarships to deserving students in the community. That's over $130,000 awarded with the goal to begin the conversation early about aspirations after high school!

We thank each and every school, after school program, teacher, principal, staff member, parent, guardian, and friend of the program for making this another successful year! We are extremely grateful that each school made the time to help influence and promote the aspirations of these students at such an early age. The program is the heart of cPort and we are so grateful we get to continue it.

elementary school career aspirations workshop and scholarship program in Maine
2023 elementary school scholarship winner
photo of cPort Credit Union in Portland career aspirations workshop
photo of cPort Maine Credit Union’s career aspirations workshop

About Our Maine Credit Union’s Elementary Scholarship Program

The cPort Career Aspirations Program began as "Riverton & Beyond" at Gerald E. Talbot Community School in 2008 and has since expanded to multiple schools in our local communities.

The program begins with students in grades 3-6 participating in an aspirations workshop with cPort employees. Following the workshops, students are encouraged to write an application essay for a $100 scholarship focused on their interests and future career aspirations. cPort staff read and select recipients based on effort, creativity, and their passion for their future goals.

The scholarships are awarded to recipients in a school-wide ceremony, where all participants are acknowledged with a t-shirt and certificate of participation.

We believe that this program is truly making a difference for students by encouraging them to dream big and plan early.