cPort Partners with Amjambo Africa on Financial Literacy Feature Column

We’re excited to partner with Amjambo Africa as contributing authors for a monthly financial literacy column. The articles are cowritten by Forest Avenue’s Branch Manager Jen Smith and Branch Supervisor Honorine Uwishema, who together have over 18 years of experience in the financial sector. Both Jen and Honorine know this feature is important to the New Mainer community, because New Mainers, like all of us, are operating in unprecedented times. Providing in-depth insight and clarity around finances is the goal.
Our first article in the May 2020 issue of Amjambo Africa outlines how easy and safe online and mobile banking is. Jen and Honorine address financial concerns readers could be experiencing right now, detail the ways financial institutions are operating to safely support their members, and explain all of the transactions you normally do in a branch that can be done through online banking.
Over the next couple of months, topics we’ll cover include fraud scams to watch out for and exactly why our money stays safe in a credit union or bank. The articles are tailored to the interests of New Mainers; many who are figuring out the U.S. financial system for the first time.
Kit Harrison, Amjambo Africa’s Editor in Chief, noted the timeliness of adding a financial literacy column to the paper. “I think finances are weighing very heavily on the minds of so many people, including New Mainers, and something relevant to our readers during the current crisis would be helpful. We would value a contribution from cPort, which has nurtured such a strong and mutually trusting relationship with the immigrant community in Southern Maine over many years. Our readers will benefit from your expertise around handling finances in this troubled time.”
The mission of Amjambo Africa is to help New Mainers thrive while simultaneously helping our state welcome and benefit from our new neighbors. The paper also serves as a conduit of information for newcomers as they navigate life in Maine; highlighting profiles of immigrants from Africa that have a successful story to tell. While Amjambo Africa focuses on life in Maine, it’s also a resource to share news and updates from those currently living in Africa.
cPort is proud to be involved with Maine’s vibrant immigrant community by connecting with various immigrant organizations and pioneering the cPort Citizenship Loan. This loan is unique in that it’s designed to help New Mainers finance their path to U.S. citizenship. President and CEO Gene Ardito says, “Now more than ever we feel compelled to help the immigrant community navigate these challenging times as best we can.” Recognizing the need, we recently translated our PPP Paycheck Protection Program and eBanking Resource guides into four different languages.
If you want to read a copy of Amjambo Africa or learn more about their mission, it’s a free publication you can access on their website and is available in print at various locations throughout Maine.
As always, cPort welcomes your input. Is there a topic you’d like to know more about? Something at the credit union that’s mystifying to you? We want to hear about it!